7009 Varnum Street, Hyattsville, MD, 20784   (301)459-7311
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Dance and drama classes have been taught by New Hope Dance & Drama at New Hope Performing Arts Center since 1991. Located in Hyattsville, Prince George's County, Maryland, we offer a family environment that fosters artistic excellence and ecourages the students to be "THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE." Students learn how to perform for the sake of the audience, to bring joy and beauty to those watching, and to maintain a caring team spirit.

Statement of Purpose

Artistically train, as well as educate, children to appreciate dance, drama, and music.

Strive for excellence within a positive, productive learning environment maintained by faculty and students.

Create performances that enrich the students and inspire the audiences.

Serve the community through the performances of young dancers.

The New Hope Performing Arts Center is an after school program at New Hope Academy. The program offers high quality recreational dance, competitive dance and drama, and theater classes. It is managed by New Hope Dance & Drama. Enrollment in New Hope Academy is not required. All Dance & Drama classes are open to the community. We offer convenient after school and Saturday classes. Mrs. Concha Marchitelli initiated the New Hope Academy's Dance & Drama program in 1991 and continues to serve as the artistic director.

Our Partner Website

For schedule, photos, video clips and more information:
Call: 301-202-8129
Website: http://newhopedance.com
Email: dance@newhopeacademy.org

Dance & Drama Classes

Summer Dance Program
June 17-28
Here is the direct link to register

DANCE (for ages 3 & up) Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop
DANCE (for ages 3 & up) Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop

Classes for the youngest ballerinas are designed to be fun and technically correct. They provide good training, and appreciation for the art of dance, and an enjoyable time.

Every year the dance program showcase their dance skills at a Spring Recital. In addition, some of the dancers are invited to participate in musical productions created by the drama department. The musical productions are also open to the public and presented every year.

New Hope Youth Dance Company
New Hope Youth Dance Company

Dancers learn a repertory of various choreographies and perform in numerous community events. Our dancers are also provided with opportunities to better their understanding of the dance worls and culture. Auditions are required.

Drama (for Kindergarten & up)
Drama (for Kindergarten & up)

Students learn acting skills, voice projection, and character development. They present a full play/musical or highlights of various musicals once a year. The New Hope Players have delighted audiences with the full productions of musicals such as "Crazy Camp", "The Nutcracker", "Godspell", "Cinderella", "The Magical Land of Oz", "Peter and the Wolf", "The Magic in Me", "Pinocchio", "Beauty & the Beast" and highlights from "Annie", "Charlie Brown", and "The Wizard of Oz."

New Hope Youth Dance Company has two Act-So Gold Medalists 2019

Congratulations Ambar & Isabel Gold Medal winners for Act-So, invited to represent Prince George's County at Nationals in July. The national competition of ACT-So will take place in Detroit in July. Ambar will represent Prince George's county with a ballet/point dance and a contemporary dance. Isabel will compete for a medal in the contemporary dance style.

Act-So Gold Medalists

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