The New Hope Spanish Language department endeavors to build students' competence and confidence for effective communication across cultures and languages. Our Spanish classes engage students in meaningful activities that foster speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Students also develop cultural empathy and awareness through exploring a variety of countries Hispanic cultural traditions and values. New Hope's goal is to empower students with the skills and confidence to engage in spontaneous, fluid conversation in the Spanish language about issues that matter, including current events or aspects of contemporary culture whenever the opportunity arises to engage with others where the Spanish language is spoken.
In Kindergarten and first grade students learn and use Spanish vocabulary and simple grammar structures while developing communication skills. Second & third graders learn and demonstrate growing comprehension through the use of contextual clues.
Fourth and fifth grade students learn to ask and answer simple questions in Spanish and express their feelings, personal needs and preferences. Their goals are to carry on short conversations, tell simple stories and make short oral presentations.
Spanish 6-8th grade classes are designed to further develop vocabulary and communication skills in Spanish along with the goal of encouraging understanding and acceptance of differences, and to make comparisons and connections to various Spanish-speaking cultures.
Spanish II builds upon knowledge and skills gained in Spanish I by reinforcing listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is on perfecting pronounciation, mastery of the basic grammatical structures, and increased communication proficiency.
Spanish III and IV are an extension of the Spanish II course, including the development of all modalities of the language with a heavy emphasis on grammatical structures, verb tenses and exposure to Spanish literature. By the end of the school year, the goal is for all students to be able to hold a 20 minute conversation in Spanish and be familiar with the cultural aspects of the diverse Hispanic countries we study throughout the year.